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Supplement Safety & Standards

Everything you need to know about how our supplements are formulated and tested in the purest way.

Are your supplements vegetarian or vegan?

Yes! All of Tally’s supplements are vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO, free from 9 major allergens, and contain no artificial coloring, added sugars, flavorings, or preservatives.

Are your supplements tested on animals?

No, none of Tally Health's supplements have been tested on animals and no animals were harmed in creating their formulation.

Are your supplements safe?

A certified third party has safely assessed all of the ingredients in each of our formulations. In addition, Tally Health has completed its own safety and stability testing. We work with top-quality GMP, ISO, and UL-certified vendors.

Are your supplements third party tested?

Absolutely! All Tally Health supplement formulations have undergone independent safety testing by a third-party nutritional wellness and dietary supplement expert. Additionally, our supplements are manufactured in the United States at a facility that