How does TallyAge™ differ from other tests?Updated 3 months ago
Unlike other DNA methylation tests, which often require drawing blood for DNA collection, TallyAge™ is a non-invasive test that collects DNA from cheek cells.
TallyAge™ was also uniquely created to incorporate holistic lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, sleep, mental health, and different habits. The TallyAge™ Test was created using a substantial cohort with a wide age range, gender-balanced, and considerable racial/ethnic diversity. For additional details, please refer to the CheekAge publication, which serves as the foundation for our clock.
It is not unusual to see different results from two different epigenetic age tests, such as a blood test versus a cheek swab test. Each aging clock is trained on a unique population of people that span a specific age range and have a particular distribution of ages. For example, a model trained on a predominantly young population may result in limited data about typical DNA methylation profiles for older individuals. In contrast, a model trained on an age-diverse cohort — such as the TallyAge™ Test — will have a more holistic and robust representation of DNA methylation profiles across a broader range of chronological ages. Also, since each test incorporates different algorithms and inputs, each test provides a unique perspective into how you are aging. We encourage readers interested in contextualizing epigenetic age tests to read our free publication on this topic.