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Can you provide evidence that each Vitality ingredient extends lifespan and/or improves healthspan in animal models?Updated a month ago

Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG): A metabolite used by our mitochondria to make energy, supports mitochondrial function and increases lifespan and healthspan in mice.

Resveratrol: A molecule found in grapes and red wine, has been shown to increase survival in mice fed a high-fat diet. Under control conditions, resveratrol has also been reported to improve mouse healthspan.

Quercetin: In mice, quercetin increases healthspan and helps clear senescent cells, reduce muscle fibrosis, and augment exercise endurance. While small amounts of quercetin are found in several foods, including onions, apples, berries, leafy greens, and grape skins, one would have to eat extremely large quantities of these foods each day to get the amount of quercetin readily available in Vitality.

Fisetin: This molecule promotes longevity in mice by clearing zombie-like senescent cells, and, importantly, its senolytic effects have been reported in both mice and humans. While small amounts of fisetin are found in several foods, including strawberries, apples, grapes, onions, and cucumbers, one would have to eat large quantities of these foods each day to get the amount of fisetin readily available in Vitality.

Spermidine: promotes longevity in mice by inducing autophagy, the recycling program our cells use to clean out debris and dysfunctional components. In mice, spermidine helps maintain cardiac function, decrease inflammation, reduce the risk of heart disease, and boost anti-cancer immunity.

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